The first step ,in order to develop a research strategy, is by creating a plan and gathering all the information we need. Good research starts with a focus in a topic. For my research paper, I’ve been in a library and ask a librarian to help me with the website of library and how I would be able to find sources through it. He recommended that I needed to start with Academic Search Complete, which I did ,and through EBSCO host I found one source, while the other one ,I found it through a non profit website which helped me to find more information and details about my paper.
Blog Post #7
Blog post #7
- Describe your research strategy. What methods and ideas from the readings did you find most useful?
My information for paper was gathered from different articles that I found on the LaGuardia Library website, I used the techniques form They Say / I Say chapters that we read at the beginning of the semester which helped me to format my paper and I also used a quote from John Berger Ways of Seeing. I liked the format from one of the articles and found that the way they described Iconography had me thinking that yes this is what I should let my paper be based on.
Blog Post 7
When I was writing my final paper, I came up with my thesis and then used some key words to look for articles that would help. I only used articles because they were fast to read through and easy to extract information from. I used quotes that I thought would best fit my argument. Some of the articles stated counterarguments so I used those to help in other body paragraphs. I also used quotes I used in my first paper.
Blog Post #7
The most effective research strategy starts with preparation and organization. chosing topic and being able to make a list of essential keywords and concepts is very important. We can utilize several resources that are proven effective in research methodology. There are web engines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and books available to us – the only thing that matters is how we use these resources meticulously. Once we have gathered all our material, it is also essential to evaluate and identify if they are from reliable sources.And getting some useful help from some books and articles which Can be access from LaGuardia Community College Library.
post 7
The most efficient research strategy begins with an evaluation of what you have in your possession. You should be able to know where you going and what you looking for. A research should contain some external informations to support your writing to make it more understandable. In this manner, we can use many external ressources during your research paper, at known ( newspapers, web platforms, books, and others reliable information sources ). However, we should be mindful that our research must rightly fit in our ideas driven and that it supports it as needed while avoiding off topic.
Blog Post #7 – Research Strategies
The most effective research strategy starts with preparation and organization. Articulating a chosen topic and being able to make a list of essential keywords and concepts is very important. We can utilize several resources that are proven effective in research methodology. There are web engines, newspapers, scholarly journals, and books available to us – the only thing that matters is how we use these resources meticulously. Once we have gathered all our material, it is also essential to evaluate and identify if they are from reliable sources. Then if we deem that we lack the proper information that we were looking for, maybe we need to analyze and seek consultation from a professional to see how we can improve. Lastly, we need to be picky and remember that research is an iterative process. We may need to do this multiple times until we find what we are searching for.
Krukowski writes at the beginning of the episode, “The marginal-the rejected-the repressed-is whatever the powerful decide is not useful at the minute”. It appears that he is trying to imply that those in authority are the ones deciding what is useful at the minute. First it was CDs and the record players and now it’s online streaming flatforms and social media. The music industry and musicians have benefited greatly from incorporating technology with music, as technology is constantly evolving.
Music indicates the differences between the powerful and the marginalized as the powerful have the resources to decide how and where music should be released. Nowadays everything is based on trends and to keep up with this they must stay up to date or they could go out of trend. I believe the difference between the marginalized and the powerful is mainly about resources. People who want to continue to sell CDs and records can now only sell to a small niche because most of the people are now adapting to newer technology and they do not have CD players or record players, which makes them the marginalized. They cannot control how music is shared.
Krukowski talks about how Spotify suggested songs that matched the type/album he likes, which he had never heard before. This was a surprise to him as to how a suggested album had all the songs to his liking. He says ” It’s not surprising, surprise is not the same as discover for a huge digital corporation eager to engage every one of us and as much of our time as possible with their product”.
Blog Post #7
I’m following some strategies to write my final research paper. I picked up the research topic which I feel is more curious and comfortable. Some methods and ideas from the readings were very helpful for me. First of all, I define my goals and objectives. I tried to come up with a good research question for the research paper. I tried to be organized then tried to identify the information I needed. Key words, key points and good concepts are very important. I tried my best to find some quality full sources. I got some useful help from some books and articles which I got access to from LaGuardia Community College Library. After all, I reviewed my paper.
Blog Post 7
Describe your research strategy. What methods and ideas from the readings did you find most useful?