1. I believe that when you are hearing its involuntary and not with much interest. It comes naturally because we cannot filter out sound when we are just hearing. Hearing is listening to things you care to hear for and things you don’t, for example background noise. This differs because when you are listening you are voluntarily putting thought behind your hearing. You listen because you care what sound is being made whether that be talking, a song you like, or background sounds. What you listen to is important to you in one way or another. Listening is selective and thoughtful while hearing is done without thought or want most times. We make choices about what we listen to, like when we listen to a song or in class we decide what to listen to and what parts to zone out during. Also like Krukowski said in Ways of Hearing Episode 2, the artist is composing but still has his window open and is listening to all the outside noises. You choose what you listen to by choosing what you are interested in or have thoughts about. Structural features do inform how we listen because we are trained to listen for different things. With different environments, like somebody from a loud city or a big family vs somebody from a rural area. People from New York zone out the noises while a person from a rural area listens for them. Gender is another example because for example, when a girl is walking alone or in the night she has to constantly be aware of her surroundings. A boy or man on the other hand is not as aware nor has to be.
2. Krukowski discusses that the relationship between sound and space is that they are both in rhythm with eachother. He explains that people in New York use to be in tune but now everybody is on their screens or in their own bubble so everybody is more laggy. Nobody is on the same beat and it is less social with less public sound. Schafer discusses that the relationship between sound is space is that sounds differ based on the space. He explains that depending on your location, sounds differ. For example, sounds in a forest are different from those of a school because of factors like geography and climate.