#1- In episode 4 of “Ways of seeing” Berger states “publicity proposes to us that we could change our own lives by buying something more”. What he means by this is that by seeing these ads it shows what you can have if you buy it. These advertisements are there to persuade us into getting the things we don’t neccesarily need making your lifestyle more desirable to others. It is significant to the advertisor because it sucks us in as consumers to believe these ads would make a difference in our lives such as better skin or high fashion clothing and that causes us to spend the money.
#2- The difference between oil paintings and publicity are that with oil paintings it shows what they already own “you get a sense of their value” whereas publicity makes us feel unsatisfied with what we have making us want more “it appeals to the way of life we aspire to”. It’s an illusion to a happier life, we will never be satisfied as long as these ads are around because we tend to want to be better than others and are easily influenced because of the images it portrays.
#3- The dream of a far away place is a perfect example of the effect advertising has on me. As I watch T.V. or scroll through social media I tend to see commercials or ads of these amazing places that I would love to visit. These ads are talking about the experiences and the great time one would have if they traveled there. It shows people on beaches relaxing and enjoying themselves which makes me believe if I go there I would be as relaxed or at peace as they are.
When I see pictures of amazing places I think they would help me relax too. It’s easy to manipulate people into wanting because everybody believes in destination happiness. “When i’m here i’ll be happy” “When I look like this i’ll be happy” “When I have this I’ll be desired”. Which ads use to suck us in.